Setting SMART Goals
Whether your resolution may have been organizing, reading, more rest, working out, losing weight, etc… Whatever it may have been, it’s not too late. We don’t have to wait until Monday, or a new year to set a goal and reach it. You may just need to get a little more specific and plan it out. I’m here to help with that.
Here’s how to set a GOAL!
You are not a failure. Grab a piece of paper and let’s get started.
A SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
This means breaking a large goal up into smaller goals. If you have 100lbs to lose, then break it up into months.
“This month I want to lose 10lbs by starting to walk 3 days a week and making 1 healthy choice each day with my food.”
That breaks it down so you can measure by the end of the week if you did it, it was realistic because it wasn’t wanting to lose 100lbs by the end of the month.
Let’s say you want to read more and relax. Start by reading 10 minutes each night and allowing about 30 minutes for relaxing time after the kiddo’s have gone to sleep…