5 Healthy Steps for a More Peaceful & Productive Day

Everyone wakes up wanting to have a great day, right?

Did you know there are easy steps you can take to help set the tone of your day?

Take a look at our top 5 Steps for a better, more productive, and peaceful day!


Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning.

This is a rich source of potassium. The minerals and vitamins from lemon help improve digestion. Lemon also reduces heartburn and bloat by loosening unwanted toxins trapped in your digestive tract.


Avoid technology for at least the first 30 minutes after waking.

Emails, social media, and text messages can trigger your stress response, setting you up for a more stressful day. Although we may eventually have to face these things, we can choose to do so at a later time when we've had a chance to wake up, practice self-care, and set a peaceful mindset. It's important to be intentional with what you see and hear first thing in the morning.


Read something positive to start your day.

I like to spend a few minutes reading my bible. This helps set the tone for my day and I feel I am able to process and better handle whatever may come my way. This doesn’t have to take a ton of time. You can simply place a few of your favorite quotes or scriptures on your bathroom mirror. That way, you'll see them first thing when you wake up, or even while you're getting ready for the day!


Start with nutrition.

When we eat breakfast, we are breaking our overnight fasting period. Breakfast helps replenish our glucose supply, which provides us with the energy we need to kick-start our day. Make sure to have a balanced meal of fat, protein, and carbs to help balance your blood sugar. A good example of this could be a protein shake with an English muffin. It could even be a breakfast burrito using a clean tortilla, eggs, and cheese.


Even 10 minutes makes a difference!

It's important to get some kind of exercise in. Movement helps release serotonin (our happy hormone) which also helps set the tone for our day. After movement, we're able to think more clearly and have more energy. Try doing 2 sets of body weight squats, lunges, push-ups,, and crunches. A quick full-body workout is enough to get your day started!

Even if you choose one or a few of these steps you will start to see positive changes to your day. Cheers to more intentional and peaceful days my friends!


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